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Custom Printed and Packaging Boxes in UK

How to plant in window boxes and hanging boxes?

Window boxes are readily available in the market. These boxes are present in different forms, shapes, and cuts. These boxes have a direct contact with the customers. These boxes can be used to pack different types of products. Window packaging is nowadays getting popular as people can easily see the product present inside.

On diverse Window packaging boxes, you would find windows of different size. These boxes not only save the product present inside but also show them to the audience so they can decide to choose it or not. Handing window boxes are one of the most common sorts of window boxes. These boxes can have many style variations. They can also be artistically printed according to the specifications of the target audience.


Window Boxes and Hanging Boxes

At the present time, we are going to talk about how to plant in the window boxes and hanging boxes. The first you have to do it is to combine the flowering plants. Not just that, you would also have to get those plants with attractive foliage to be placed in the window boxes. These boxes will provide shade to the decks, porch rails as well as sashes of windows. You would need to get the following materials and tools:

  • Window box
  • Flowering plant fertilizer, water-soluble
  • Water source and watering can
  • Potting mix for containers
  • Plants with attractive flowers and foliage

1)    Plan the principles

You have to mix up the plants together with trailing as well as growth habits. You also have to place the plants according to their size of leaves. Select a shade scheme of your choice or you can combine different colors together that can beautify your place. There are different color schemes used by people like red and green, yellow and orange etc.

2)    Choose Boxes

You have to select the boxes that would fit into your decoration. You might also have to keep in mind the available space. Try to get such boxes that are 8 inches deep and wide. You have to make sure that these boxes have holes for draining or you can drill holes by yourself. If you are going to mount your window boxes under your window then you have to use a small width box.

3)    Add potting mix

You have to purchase a sterile potting mix which contains perlite, peat, and other imperative elements. These elements are helpful to perk up drainage, fertility, ventilation and water keeping capacity. It is considered that you use a water absorbing polymer which can be helpful in decreasing water frequency. You have to fill up your window boxes more than a half by using potting mix. It is time to add some water to moisten the mixture. There is no need to use a garden soil for your window boxes.

4)    Add different plants

It is time to set the plants about 3 to 7 inches apart in the window box. You have to slip up the plants out from the pots without pulling up the stem. Now you have to gently straighten out circling roots of these plants. You need to set the biggest plants like geraniums at the back of the window box. You have hanged the trailing plants on the front side of the box. On remaining sides, you have to use fluffy plants. If there are any gaps in this box then you must add soil to fill them up. You must water these plants daily.

Why windows are important in packaging boxes?

Window packaging is quite important for some customers as they are very particular about the product they are purchasing. They first check the quality of Window packaging boxes and also see the product first, and then make a decision to purchase it. Handing window boxes are available in a number of personalization options.


Simple Tips to Follow

The window and hanging boxes plants have to be maintained properly. There are some simple tips that can be helpful for you to maintain your window and hanging box plants. Following are the tips explained for your convenience, have a look at them:

Measure windows

You have to measure the windows from all sides and then opt for the window boxes. It is imperative to note the dimensions of your windows as only then you can purchase the right kind of window boxes. These boxes can be found in a wide range of sizes. You can get a matching window or hanging box that can be useful to adorn your place. Before filling up or planting your window boxes, you can install a hanging hardware. It is quite an easy method to make important adjustments if these boxes are empty.

Keep them in easy reach

You have to keep these boxes in a place where you can reach them easily. Hanging boxes and window boxes can be placed inside of your place or outside. You might have to water the plants present in these boxes on daily basis. If you are placing them outside them in the summer season, water them frequently to keep the plants fresh.

Protect these boxes and plants

These boxes can get damaged from the temperature changes. In addition, pests can also damage the plants and boxes. To save both of them, you have to bend the coat hanger wire up to 3 to 4 inches into U shape hoops. Now you have to push each end into the soil properly. After that, you have to wrap up a dry and clean bag around the hoops and then put it back on your window. You can also make use of bubble wrap and the security it with the spin clothes.

Last word

Window packaging boxes are quite accessible in diverse shading schemes and textures. The window panes of Window packaging have been made from transparent plastic. If you would use a good quality plastic then it is better as people consider the packaging material a lot. There are a number of printing and designing technologies used by different box companies to print the handing window boxes.